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抓饭直播 > 体育新闻 > 篮球新闻 > >索尼威姆斯vs詹姆斯(比斯利签约广东|强者更强的CBA怕是药丸?)


2023-05-17 19:46

[Wojnarowski] Michael Beasley is finalizing a deal with .... Guangdong of the Chinese Basketball Association, sources tell ESPN. Short run of two months, significant cash.



[–][CLE] Kyrie Irving Somali_Kamikaze 1118 points 12 hours ago

Did Woj really need to add an ellipsis?


[–][LAC] Montrezl Harrell zach_here_thanks_man 2514 points 12 hours ago

Woj really didn't have to do the ... to him


[–]Warriors YellowBaboon 306 points 12 hours ago

Just trying to build some suspense for this huge announcement


[–]Heat MiaCannons 58 points 11 hours ago

It's how you know it's truly a Woj bomb


[–]Lakers thereturnofjagger 535 points 12 hours ago

3 dots he's thinkin of a reaction still


[–]Lakers spahghetti 120 points 10 hours ago

Woj is saying "This player who struggled this year that you are probably wondering why I am spending any time on at all telling you about... is going to play for China like the fucking scrub he is."

Woj is a cunt who looks like fat ugly Milwaukee truck driver from the 1950s.



[–]76ers UltimateWeiner 107 points 10 hours ago

I think he looks more like an overweight accountant with an all-consuming foot fetish.


[–]henryofclay 29 points 12 hours ago

Woj has huge, obvious biases. I used to trust all his info, but he’s so slanted that I don’t believe any of his opinions or insinuations. I only trust actual news he drops, like signings/trades. Not his “rumors”.

“Ex-Lakers” when he was last on the Clips. Geez, unnecessarily trying to mention the Lakers.



[–][LAC] Corey Maggette droupout_bear 229 points 11 hours ago

He never played a single minute for us. It makes more sense to identify him by the team he actually last suited up for.



[–][OKC] Eric Maynor Ibaka_flocka 222 points 13 hours ago

CBA legend. Back for more


[–]verysolidshea 323 points 12 hours ago

He's gonna get cooked by Jimmer


[–][POR] Shawn Kemp -jimmer- 110 points 11 hours ago

hell ya brother


[–]Wizards Aarcn 27 points 8 hours ago

I saw Jimmer & Scola cook Guangdong last week! 43 pts for jimmer!

Go Sharks!

The CBA games are fun and the stadiums like small college / big high school sized! Best part is beers are like 2.50$




[–]76ers IsntAThrowawayAcct 12 points 7 hours ago



[–]Heat champs2018 36 points 13 hours ago

Guangdong gets its big fish


[–]Mavericks Fireeveryonenow1 484 points 12 hours ago

Guangdong is fucking stacked now


[–]Raptors twistedlogicx[S] 538 points 12 hours ago

Rich get richer. Fuck this league.


[–][TOR] Amir Johnson megatronical 254 points 12 hours ago

malcolm delaney, sonny weems, yi jianlian and now super cool beas too?




[–][TOR] Dell Curry ModernPoultry 19 points 11 hours ago

One of them has to get cut, right? Iirc there is a 2 Foreign player rule in the CBA


[–]Hawks rgbhs 20 points 11 hours ago

Delaney did, yeah


[–]Randym1221 19 points 12 hours ago

Oh wow i forgot about Yi. He was solid tho.


[–][BRK] Rodions Kurucs Expulsure 111 points 12 hours ago

MarShon Brooks signed with them today too


[–]Wizards ubrikkean 214 points 11 hours ago

Dillon Brooks?? interesting


[–]NBA noahleee 6 points 5 hours ago

Yeah Aaron Brooks is great


[–][PHI] Joel Embiid lardbiscuits 118 points 12 hours ago

Just wait till they get Fultz in another year and a half.


[–]76ers embarrassed420 114 points 12 hours ago

You suck man


[–]76ers LouisRadicoNJ 10 points 8 hours ago

Nobody's as obsessed with Fultz as you are.


[–]76ers isuckbigmantittys 32 points 10 hours ago

He ain’t our mans anymore


[–][PHI] Joel Embiid lardbiscuits 16 points 12 hours ago

It's okay. You don't have to be an apologist anymore.

I hear they have some Chinese medicine that work wonders on shoulder injuries.



[–]76ers embarrassed420 73 points 11 hours ago

I don’t lie about stuff just because I’m a sixers fan. I’m always gonna root for Fultz and I still think he can be an above average player in the league

I’ll never get why people like you are so rude about guys just because they aren’t performing up to expectations




[–]Warriors TheSpaceCowboyx 499 points 13 hours ago

Wait why he’s good enough to come off the bench in the nba


[–]Lakers kobebbryant 4 points 13 hours ago

That’s fucked up. He could legitimately start on one or two teams. Dude’s very talented.


[–]Thunder newman796 436 points 13 hours ago

Did no team really not want him or is this a money thing?


[–]Warriors Haejang-guk 645 points 13 hours ago

More money? More guaranteed playing time?


[–]Timberwolves Marius_34 496 points 13 hours ago

Money probably


[–]Raptors NavinAlgoo 316 points 12 hours ago

And a “I don’t have to try that hard and still drop 40” mindset too probably


[–]Norman Immanuel 21 points 11 hours ago

He couldn't handle no longer being the best M. Beasley in the league.


[–][OKC] Steven Adams basketballandpuppies 118 points 11 hours ago

Sounds like the super cool Beas I know and love.


[–]Knicks johnhenryirons 80 points 12 hours ago

I bet strictly money. It's a 2 month contract and he'll get paid millions most likely. Then he'll be back next summer to try to have a team sign him. He was supposedly offered a multi-year over 10 mil deal in China this past summer but turned it down to be back in the NBA.


[–][TOR] Dell Curry ModernPoultry 49 points 11 hours ago

Money + Super Star/fame draw.

Some guys would rather make more money in China and be a Super Star over there than be paid less to be at the end of the bench in the nba



[–][TOR] Dell Curry ModernPoultry 35 points 12 hours ago

Yep, cash and he gets to be a star. On Gilbert Arenas' podcast he was tryin to get Nick Young to sign in China earlier this year for essentially that reason. You become a legit super star in a massive market which is a big draw for competitive athletes. Chinese fans will stan you for life if you play over there


[–][NYK] Amar'e Stoudemire arvs17 17 points 10 hours ago

I'd do that in a heartbeat


[–][BOS] Larry Bird JiggzSawPanda 13 points 10 hours ago

Isn't Starbury like god over there?


[–]Bucks Satvrdaynightwrist 192 points 12 hours ago

Plus he's probably tired of being traded and/or having to bounce from team to team. At least now he knows where he'll be the next 2 months.


[–]Celtics anime_teenager 56 points 12 hours ago

to be fair it's past the trade deadline in the NBA =)


[–]simonthedlgger 32 points 12 hours ago

you can still get cut for tangling with coach


[–]UnrulyPj 2 points 10 hours ago

Good athlete , terrible life choices off the court.


[–]nzax86 2 points 7 hours ago*

I feel sorry for him. He worked really hard to change his reputation since coming back from China and played efficient Basketball for the Bucks, Rockets, and the Knicks. It's a shame that signing with wrong team, coupled with his mothers untimely death, derailed his career, yet again. He should've signed with the Thunder and avoided the Walton/Magic/Lebron circus.


[–]Kings kondor35 2 points 8 hours ago

Lol it's not even really an insult. He's getting paid millions to go play overseas, don't worry about him



[–]Bhantl01 172 points 13 hours ago

I know he didn't want to go back to China. Met him once and he talked about China like it was the worst experience of his life.


[–]Raptors Zeppelanoid 125 points 12 hours ago

Money talks


[–][TOR] Jorge Garbajosa Akumetsu33 7 points 11 hours ago

I'd bet he would quickly realize China wasn't that bad of an experience after trying a week of a tedious 9-5 job for minimum wage...


[–][SAS] Boris Diaw YOU_PM_ME_THIGHS 110 points 12 hours ago

He's all of us. Going to a job he doesn't really care for to make money. Just grinding it out.


[–]Rockets emd9629 9 points 12 hours ago

He should still have a lot of money, right?


[–][SAS] Boris Diaw YOU_PM_ME_THIGHS 24 points 12 hours ago

per the Google Machine he's made about $35mil in the NBA and another several millions (couldn't find exact figures) in the CBA. So by the time he's done he's going to crack $40mil over the course of a 15ish year career.


[–]Louis _The_Stammerer 2 points 12 hours ago

The team plays in Dongguan, which is the prostitution capital of China. Just saying.


[–]76ers ElitePotato77 5 points 12 hours ago

How easy is it to get good weed in China? I feel like that's quite the obstacle for former nba players that go to play in China.


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